All-Cause Deaths Surge Among Covid-Vaccinated – EVOL

A major new study has revealed that deaths from all causes are soaring among those who have received Covid mRNA shots.

Alarmingly, the study also found that COVID-19 spread more rapidly among the “vaccinated.”

The study was conducted by top biology and immunology scientists at the University of Turin in Italy and published in the MDPI Journal.

The team of Italian researchers at the University’s Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology was led by Professor Marco Alessandria.

Alessandria et al. critically assessed all-cause deaths during the period of COVID-19 vaccination.

After analyzing official government data, the researchers made a disturbing discovery.

The scientists revealed that COVID-19 deaths were not reduced with the mass countermeasure deployment.

In addition, they found that deaths from the virus actually increased among those who had supposedly been vaccinated against Covid.

The team analyzed official data from the Italian national health system.

For the study, they segmented data derived from people living in Pescara on the central-eastern coast from January 1, 2021, up to December 31,  2022.

They further drilled down the data to include children and adults aged 10 years and older, who had never received a positive SARS-CoV-2 swab before the start date.



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