World Economic Forum: Depopulation Is ‘Good for the Planet’

A high-ranking official with the World Economic Forum (WEF) has argued that depopulating carbon-producing human beings from Earth is “good for the planet.”

The argument was made by Professor Sarah Harper, one of the globalist organization’s key advisers who is credited as an architect of the WEF’s anti-humanity green agenda.

Harper is also the founder and director of the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing and “Britain’s top demographics expert,” to quote The Telegraph.

However, The Telegraph conveniently fails to mention that Harper also serves on the Global Agenda Council on Ageing Societies of the World Economic Forum, which centers around eugenics and genocide.

In speaking about the precipitous decline in the number of new births across Great Britain these days, Harper pretty much celebrated this as a great thing that will help to stop global warming and climate change.

The latest data from Great Britain’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), by the way, shows that in 2022, there were just 605,479 live births across both England and Wales.

This is the lowest number since 2002, we are told.

Harper frequently speaks her nonsense at various “literary and scientific festivals,” including at WEF gatherings, TED talks, and other such globalist gatherings.

The Telegraph is



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