Woman Loses $800,000 Disability Lawsuit after News Report Shows Her Winning a Tree-Throwing Competition – EVOL

A woman has lost over $800,000 from a personal injury case after she filed a lawsuit claiming to have been left disabled from a car crash.

However, 36-year-old Kamila Grabska lost out on her big payday after a local news report showed the mom from Ireland entering and winning a Christmas tree-throwing competition.

Grabska sued an insurance agency in the country, RSA Insurance, after a 2017 car crash.

She claimed the injuries she suffered during the crash caused her debilitating neck and back pain, the Irish Independent reported.

Grabska said her injuries had prevented her from holding down a job for five years

The car accident was the result of someone hitting Grabska’s car from the rear.

It allegedly left her unable to carry her young children or complete household chores.

Grabska, a mom of two from the town of Ennis in County Clare, quit her job shortly after, Irish media reports.

She received disability payments and argued that her previous and future lost income totaled more than $500,000, according to the Telegraph.

Newspaper reports, however, soon surfaced of Grabska competing in a Christmas tree-throwing event on Jan. 8, 2018.

This was nearly a year after the accident supposedly left



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