Will President Trump Keep His SECRET SERVICE Protection? – EVOL

I know you’ve all  been waiting for Winger’s take on this.

And my take is this:

If you think the rightful President of the United States of America, appointed by God, is going to let the corrupt Deep State Commies get their way, you’re in for a surprise.

JUST IN: Donald Trump releases the following video after he was found guilty in the New York City hush money trial.


“This is the final battle. With you at my side, we will demolish the deep state. We will expel the war mongers from our government. We will drive out the… pic.twitter.com/YdVK3GJDH0

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 30, 2024

That’s probably my favorite video Trump has released yet!

Our enemies won’t get what they want.

That being said, there’s plenty to speculate about what’s to come after this verdict.

What will become of Trump’s Secret Service should he decide to play along and let these Democrats think they’ve got the upper hand?

New York Times reports:

With Donald J. Trump’s unprecedented felony conviction on Thursday, what has long been a remote and abstract concept could move closer to a stunning reality: a former president of the United States behind



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