WHO Demands Global Meat Consumption Ban by 2025

The World Health Organization (WEF) has just upped the ante with its globalist “Net Zero” agenda by demanding that the general public must be banned from consuming meat and dairy products by 2025 globally.

The head of the United Nations “health” agency, Tedros Adhanom, declared in a statement that citizens around the world must begin the shift to plant and insect-based “foods” in order to “save the planet” from “global warming.”

“Our food systems are harming the health of our people and planet,” he said.

“Food systems contribute to over 30 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and account for almost one-third of the global burden of disease.”

He estimates that eight million lives could be saved each year with this one change. Although shifting away from red meat has been recommended for many years for health reasons, his motivation here appears to be purely environmental, with a context note on a video of him declaring the war on meat noting that climate change “refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, mainly caused by human activities.”

He went on to say “I’m therefore very pleased that over 130 have signed the COP28 UAE Declaration on climate and health.”


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