White House Humiliated After Biden Caught Using ‘Cheat Sheet’ – EVOL

Concerns about President Joe Biden’s age are being raised due to his consistent reliance on pre-prepared notes to explain his policies in response to anticipated questions. Even during closed-door fundraisers, where carefully selected donors are allowed to ask questions, Biden is observed consulting his notes to provide thorough answers.

This scripted approach to Q&A sessions has led some donors to question whether Biden is capable of enduring the demands of a presidential campaign in 2024, let alone potential debates with former President Donald Trump, who is 77 years old.

President Biden cannot even go to a fundraising event without having cheat sheet notes.

We cannot re-elect a man like this. His brain is not working well and at 81 it will get worse and worse. pic.twitter.com/jiQRfpInsp

— Bruce Chambers (@bruce31049) February 23, 2024

Biden’s reliance on reading word-for-word prompts has previously resulted in stumbling, as highlighted by Special Counsel Robert Hur, who described him as “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” whose lapse has caused him to forget important life events.




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