West Point Sued After Director of Admissions Brags About What Happens to White Applicants

When Ibram X. Kendi’s preposterous thesis that “the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination” becomes mainstream practice, you know things are upside down.

Kendi is the author of the poorly reasoned 2019 leftist propaganda book, “How to  Be an Antiracist,” which became not only a bestseller, but a clarion call for progressives.

In a speech at the Aspen Ideas Festival, Kendi put his anti-reasoning skills on display, according to the New York Post.  “When I see racial disparities, I see racism,” Kendi said. If that isn’t a blanket generalization, the logical fallacy of that name has no meaning.

And yet Kendi’s obtuse theories have burrowed deep into some of America’s most beloved institutions like a fever-carrying tick in a bloodhound’s ear.

The United States Military Academy in West Point, New York  — which has graduated the likes of Ulysses S. Grant, Douglas MacArthur and Dwight D. Eisenhower — is one such institution.  And it’s being called out for it.

On Tuesday, lawyers representing the Students for Fair Admissions sued West Point for alleged race and ethnicity discrimination in admissions decisions, according to Politico. SFFA is the anti-affirmative action group that tanked race-conscious admissions practices at Harvard in a



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