WEF Warns Home-Grown Food Causes 'Climate Change,' Demands Ban – EVOL

So-called “experts” at the World Economic Forum (WEF) are warning governments that members of the general public are causing “climate change” by growing their own food at home.

According to a recent WEF study, researchers apparently discovered that home-grown food is “destroying the planet.”

As a result, the WEF and other globalist climate zealots are now demanding that governments intervene and ban individuals from growing their own food in order to “save the planet” from “global warming.”

The research indicated that resorting to garden-to-table produce causes a far greater carbon footprint than conventional agricultural practices, such as rural farms.

This research, conducted by WEF-funded scientists at the University of Michigan, was published in the journal Nature Cities.

The study looked at how much carbon dioxide (CO2) was produced when growing food in different types of urban farms.

It found that, on average, a serving of food made from traditional farms creates 0.07 kilogram (kg) of CO2.

Meanwhile, the impact on the environment is almost five times higher at 0.34kg per portion for individual city gardens, as per the study.

The paper’s first author Jake Hawes said:

“The most significant contributor to carbon emissions on the urban agriculture sites we studied was the



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