WEF Announces 'New World' of AI-Led 'Humanocracy' – EVOL

World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and chairman, Klaus Schwab, has just announced plans for a “new world” that will “transition humankind into a new era.”

During an appearance at the globalist World Governments Summit in Dubai, Schwab unveiled plans for so-called “humanocracy.”

He described a disturbing “fusion” between human beings and artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

According to Schwab, the WEF’s plans for the “new world” involve a “fusion between our physical, our digital, and our biological dimensions.”

Schwab declared that, once the scheme has been rolled out globally, a “new era” of “humanocracy” will be ushered in.


“We have to be prepared for a world where we see a fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological dimensions.”

Speaking at the annual globalist conference formerly known as the World Government Summit, Klaus Schwab touts the arrival of the “fourth industrial revolution”.… pic.twitter.com/03r2EBjwFs

— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) February 13, 2024

Elsewhere during the event, Schwab gave a dedicated address where he laid out the WEF’s plans to world leaders.

The WEF chief made the announcement during a transhumanist-themed speech titled “Civilizations of Tomorrow: Built to Fail or Rise?”

Schwab touted a new “Intelligent Age” driven by what



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