Weak: Speaker Kevin McCarthy Still Will Not Commit to Impeachment Inquiry But Dances Around the Idea (VIDEO)

Speaker Kevin McCarthy joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this weekend. Bartiromo opened up the discussion asking McCarthy if he will launch an impeachment investigation.

McCarthy balked once again. This guy is so weak. Democrats are destroying the country on every front. They are stealing our freedoms and have indicted the leading Republican with 91 bogus charges on speech charges. And McCarthy is still talking about someday, possibly, if the stars align, he will open an impeachment inquiry!

Maria Bartiromo: Will you bring an impeachment inquiry against President Biden this September?

Kevin McCarthy: (filibustering) Well, Maria, first you’ve got to understand, only because Republicans took the majority have we found out what President Biden told us when he was running for office is not true. He said he never had any dealings with his son’s business, that he never even talked to him. We’ve now found out not only did he call into the meetings, he went to dinner. And after the dinner, Hunter Biden got a new Porsche, that there was 3.5 million transferred. We now found out, as he was a sitting vice president, the family created 20 shell companies. They received 16 of



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