We Have the Jacksonville Shooter’s Manifesto But Not the One Belonging to the Nashville School Shooter

The white gunman who killed three black people in Jacksonville, FL, had many manifestos littered with hatred towards minorities.

From The New York Post:

The unidentified shooter was earlier seen lurking around the campus of a nearby historically black college before the attack— and he detailed his hatred of black people in one of “several manifestos,” law enforcement said.

“This shooting was racially motivated, and he hated Black people,” Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters told a press conference.

“He wanted to kill n——.”

The “maniac,” who was in his early 20s, stormed the store with a tactical vest, Glock and an “AR-15 style” rifle, with swastikas painted on it.

Despite the Nazi symbols, police said “there is absolutely no evidence that the shooter is part of any larger group.”

“This was, quite frankly, a maniac who decided he wanted to take lives,” Waters said. “He targeted a certain group a people, and that’s Black people, that’s what he said he wanted to kill. And that’s very clear.

“Any member of that race at that time was in danger — of the Black race.”

According to cops, the shooter was involuntarily institutionalized in 2017 through a state law called the “Baker Act.”



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