WATCH: Tucker Releases Video Previewing Trump Interview: ‘Far Larger Audience Than Cable News’

Former President Donald Trump announced on Sunday that he will not be participating in the Republican debate hosted by Fox News in Milwaukee, instead joining Tucker Carlson for a sitdown on his “Tucker on X” platform.

Carlson released a video snippet previewing his exclusive interview with Trump. “Whatever you think of Trump, he is, as of tonight, the indisputable far and away front-runner in the Republican race.”

The former Fox News anchor also shed light on how the interview came to be, explaining that Trump reached out to them for a conversation. Trump’s intention? To tap into a “far larger audience than he’d receive on cable news,” Carlson stated, alluding to his newfound Twitter presence.


Here’s what’s happening at 8:55pm ET.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) August 23, 2023

For many, this move by Trump showcases his strategic approach to media engagement, and some see it as an attempt to bypass traditional channels, possibly due to any perceived biases, and as a way to control the narrative.

Carlson seemed eager for the public to tune into the exclusive. “We think voters have an interest in hearing what he thinks,” he said. The interview is scheduled to air tonight



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