Fred Trump III, Donald Trump’s nephew, claimed on MSNBC’s “Deadline” Monday that his uncle, former President Donald Trump, did not care about members of the U.S. military.
“We spoke the last time we were here about how I had the honor of meeting Senator McCain,” Trump said.
“This is a genuine hero. Let’s make no mistake about it,” he continued.
“The fact that Donald called him, in essence, a loser, I don’t get it. But anyone who is disabled or anyone who he deems lesser than him is a loser, which, ok, that’s just the way he is. That ain’t gonna change,” he added.
“Why do you think people in the military support him?” Host Nicolle Wallace asked.
“I have no idea. And I know many people who are in the military. I had the pleasure of speaking on an interview with National Defense Radio, which goes out to the armed services. And I told the truth,” Trump said.
“I basically told this story, and I said that he just doesn’t give a sh*t about them. He just doesn’t,” he continued.
“It’s the great Godfather II, one of the last scenes when Sonny says, ‘Country ain’t your blood, kid.’