WATCH: The Incredible Moment When Patriots Gather To Pray Over President Trump!

I love this so much!

I keep saying that it feels to me like 2016 all over again, and here is another example.

Back in 2016, this was a regular occurrence.

In 2020, I didn’t see it much, if at all.

But now it’s back and I’m getting mega 2016 vibes here.

But regardless, this is what we need!

Isn’t this so good to see?

I don’t care how confident we are or how well things are going, we will not make it anywhere without God and without prayer!

And isn’t it so wonderful to have a President who not only allows this but seems to encourage and welcome it?

Smart man.


We all need to continue to pray for President Trump every chance we get. Iowa is full of God-fearing patriots who love DJT 🇺🇸

— Brenden Dilley (@WarlordDilley) December 2, 2023

🇺🇸 Over 150 Pastors & Faith Leaders from across Iowa have endorsed President Trump.

⚡️Today a group of them prayed over him privately before he takes the stage in Cedar Rapids.#Trump2024

— James Blair (@JamesBlairGOP) December 2, 2023

Watch on the FULL Video Player here:

🇺🇸 Over 150 Pastors & Faith Leaders



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