WATCH: Popular Atlanta Muralist Paints Giant Mural of Trump’s Mugshot

A popular Atlanta muralist Chris Veal painted a giant mural of Trump’s mugshot this weekend.

Trump turned himself in at the Fulton County jail on Thursday after Marxist DA Fani Willis indicted him and 18 others on RICO and conspiracy charges.

Fulton County authorities released Trump’s mugshot later that evening.

It was the mugshot heard around the world.

The mural is on the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail, according to Fox 5 Atlanta.


President Trump’s #mugshot mural in process in Atlanta. #FREETRUMP #Trump2024

— Destiny (@Destiny15_FL) August 27, 2023

The mural was completed on Saturday.

The muralist said it took him about three hours to complete.

MUGSHOT MURAL: Popular Atlanta Muralist Chris Veal had his paint cans ready and a mural of Former President Donald Trump’s mugshot is now up on the Atlanta Beltline.#MugshotMural #ATL #FultonCounty#TrumpMugshot

— Billy Heath III (@BillyHeathFOX5) August 26, 2023

Fox 5 Atlanta reported:

There’s a new mural on the Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail featuring former President Trump’s infamous mug shot.

The mural, which is near the Historic Fourth Ward Skatepark, was created by popular Atlanta muralist Chris Veal.

Veal said it took him about 3 hours to paint


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