WATCH: Bill Maher Brands Trump As A ‘Criminal’, Fails To Explain His ‘Crimes’

Political talk show host Mill Maher stated that former President Donald Trump is a “criminal” but then failed to list or explain his “crimes” during a recent appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience.

Maher and Rogan discussed President Biden’s tenure at length with each listing issues they have with his administration. Maher criticized Biden for failing to stand-up to the far-left, “woke” wing of the Democratic Party over fears of fracturing the coalition needed for his re-election. “So, that’s my big issue with him. I know you have others,” Maher said.

“Well, my biggest issue is he lies, a-lot,” Rogan said. “Well certainly not more than Trump,” Maher shot back before saying “come on, man” when Rogan disagreed. “He’s crazy and stupid,” the former HBO host said of the Trump while arguing that Biden is better, despite his own faults.

Maher then attempted to explain Trump’s “crimes” but was unable to cite any criminal statutes that he actually violated.

“He’s charged with actual crimes, criminal intent to obscure – uh… to, I forget what the actual name of the, uh, law is but, criminal intent to basically steal the election or to coerce people in the states from uh… I



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