WaPo Debunks NYT: Alito’s Upside Down Flag Was Over ‘Neighborhood Dispute, Not Politics.’ – EVOL

National Pulse Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam, who was present in Kiev during the Western-backed Euromaidan coup in 2014 that set the stage for the current full-scale war in Ukraine, believes there are already NATO “boots on the ground.”

Speaking to War Room host Stephen K. Bannon, he said people should not be surprised to hear U.S., British, and other Western specialists could be helping Ukrainian forces strike targets inside Russia with specialist missile systems, despite Moscow warning it would regard this as an “act of war.”

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“The [Maidan] coup itself was an act of war, and here’s why that’s important: because if they were willing to do that, then there is nothing that they’re not willing to do. They already overthrew a government,” Kassam stressed.

“[W]hen you talk about boots on the ground, and we try to bring that up as a conversation point with establishment people… they kind of scoff at it, as in, like, ‘Yeah, dude, that’s already been happening, this wouldn’t be a new development.”

Boots on the ground in Ukraine? @RaheemKassam, who saw the Maidan coup



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