Vulnerable House Democrat U-Turns on Migrant Crisis after Previously Dismissing Border Wall as ‘Silly’ – EVOL

A vulnerable House Democrat in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania has flip-flopped on her position regarding border security as the nationwide migrant crisis becomes a mounting issue ahead of the November elections.

Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA) previously dismissed a border wall as “silly.”

However, the congresswoman now appears to have shifted her views on immigration, according to a recent op-ed calling for stricter border security.

“We may be a long way from the U.S.-Mexico border, but the problems created by a broken system affect us too, particularly with regard to the entry of illegal drugs into our country,” Wild wrote in an op-ed published in The Morning Call.

Wild’s op-ed, which was headlined “Your View by US Rep. Susan Wild: It’s time to do something about the Southern border,” comes after the flood of illegal aliens has spiraled out of control under Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration.

Nearly 7.3 million illegal aliens flooded the nation between Biden’s first day in office and February of this year.

The figure is greater than the population of 36 individual states and has affected cities across the nation.

After the Biden admin avoided calling the flood of migrants at the border a



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