VILE: Anti-Trump Physician To Trump Supporter: “Prepare for your kids funeral” – EVOL

A state legislator is urging the University of Iowa to dismiss a physician after the individual reportedly shared a controversial social media comment criticizing President-elect Donald Trump following Tuesday’s general election.

Mayank Sharma, a medical fellow at UI Health Care, reportedly responded Wednesday to a pro-Trump post with the following remark: “Well I hope you lose your kid in a school shooting. Already you have nothing to lose, it won’t matter to you anyways! Prepare for your kids funeral.”

Absolutely sick!

Reports are claiming this was the post (which has now been deleted and his entire X account has also apparently been deleted:

Memo to Dr. TDS: the Internet is written in ink and you don’t just get to delete you account and hope no one noticed….

Because many people noticed and many are extremely concerned that you ALLEGEDLY just told someone to “prepare for their kids funeral” while being…..wait for it….. a PEDIATRICIAN!

Would you send your children to this doctor?

Oh my….

Fellow physician Alan Nguyen, DO posted on Twitter that Sharma is a “Vile human being and a disgrace to the medical profession”:

Vile human being and a disgrace to the medical profession #mayanksharma



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