Video Shows Machete-Wielding Man Slice Off Man’s Fingers in NYC – EVOL

Surveillance video captured the moment a machete-wielding man sliced off the fingers of a man walking his dog on the streets of New York City.

Tayquon Young, a man from the Bronx, had four of his fingers sliced off in the alleged encounter Friday, according to the New York Post (NYP). The incident reportedly occurred around 11:30 a.m. when Young was walking his dog, a pit bull named Chanel, when she began trying to play with another man’s dog.

“They was playing around, his dog didn’t have a leash, my dog was next to me, she wasn’t biting his dog or anything. My dog was trying to play around,” Young told the Post.

The attacker allegedly threatened to behead Young’s dog and later went after Young, he told the NYP.

Security cam footage shows the two dogs running around on the sidewalk with the dog’s respective owners in the corner of the video. A man in a green vest can then be seen pulling a machete from his inner pocket. A few moments later he lunges toward the victim, who is now out of camera view.

Young’s dog appears to rush toward where he was as onlookers ran away



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