Unsealed Court Docs Prove Governments New Covid Shots Were Unsafe before Public Rollout

A batch of secret contracts between pharmaceutical companies and governments around the world has been unsealed by a court, providing evidence showing that governments knew Covid vaccines posed a high risk to health before they were rolled out for public use.

In August, a South African Court ordered the National Department of Health (NDOH) to release COVID-19 vaccine contracts and other related documents.

The first batch of documents was released at the beginning of September.

The contacts show that governments were warned that the mRNA shots could not be considered safe or effective due to their experimental and untested nature.

And while the documents were unsealed in South Africa, it is believed that governments of countries around the world also had the same contacts with Big Pharma.

On Thursday 17 August 2023, the Pretoria High Court ruled in favor of the Health Justice Initiative’s (“HJI’s”) bid to compel the NDOH to provide access to all covid “vaccine” procurement contracts and other documents.

The Court ordered that all COVID-19 vaccine contracts (“Part 1”) and negotiation-related documents (“Part 2”) must be made public within 10 court days of the Judgment.

On 1 September, HJI issued a press statement saying that NDOH had handed documents


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