UN Launches Bill Gates-Funded ‘Digital Payments & ID System’

The globalist United Nations has just launched a new global “digital payments, ID, and data exchange system” that will with rolled out to the populations around the world.

The new system will cover all aspects of life in the UN’s vision of “cashless societies” and will be required for those who wish to participate in society.

Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the UN has now launched its “50-in-5” campaign to promote and accelerate the roll-out of its global digital public infrastructure (DPI).

The UN described the global rollout of the system as an “ambitious-country-led campaign.”

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) said its “50-in-5” project is “an underlying network of components” that includes “digital payments, ID, and data exchange system,” which will serve as “a critical accelerator of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).”

“The goal of the campaign is for 50 countries to have designed, implemented, and scaled at least one DPI component in a safe, inclusive, and interoperable manner in five years,” the UNDP stated.

Critics of the campaign include Tim Hinchliffe, editor of The Sociable, who told The Defender he believes DPI “is a mechanism for surveillance and control that combines digital ID, central bank digital currencies [CBDC], vaccine passports and carbon


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