If you thought we were finally rid of the pandemic panic… guess again. The COVIDictators are back… with some all-too familiar demands.
Remember those mask mandates? Some of our neighbors up North are getting the banned back together. And what’s being banned? Freedom, of course.
A Quebec regional health board north of Montreal reinstated masking across its facilities in response to a jump in COVID-19 cases, however, one doctor believes the decision to be politically motivated, rather than rooted in scientific harm reduction.
The Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de Laval made the decision to require staff to wear masks when in direct contact with patients last week, according to an internal memo obtained by CBC News.
However, family and ER physician Dr. Chris Milburn, who has worked in Nova Scotia for over 20 years and has written extensively on masking, said he disagrees with the protocol.
“There were decades of evidence that masks were ineffective for reducing transmission of respiratory viruses. That is why they were never used,“ Milburn told True North. — TNC News
In calling out the Mask Mandators, he turned the pandempic’s popular ‘science denier’ attack back on the authoritarians