U.S. Orders Immediate Withdraw Of Troops – EVOL

According to The Washington Post, three U.S. officials have confirmed that the United States has agreed to withdraw its military personnel from Niger. This decision was made in response to a request from Niger’s government, which was prompted by a military coup in 2023 that resulted in a junta taking control and labeling the U.S. military presence as “illegal.”

During a meeting between Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell and Nigerien Prime Minister Ali Lamine Zeine, the U.S. agreed to remove over 1,000 troops, raising concerns about the future of a $110 million American air base. The officials will soon commence the planning process for the withdrawal, with the objective of executing an organized and responsible exit. This will necessitate coordination with the Defense Department, as stated by the publication.

The United States informed the government of Niger on Friday that it agreed to its request to withdraw U.S. troops from the West African country, said three U.S. officials, a move the Biden administration had long resisted. https://t.co/wWYmgofSst

— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) April 20, 2024

“The Prime Minister has asked us to withdraw U.S. troops, and we have agreed to do that,” a senior State Department



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