‘Turbo Cancers’ Soar Among Young Vaxxed Americans

The number of young, vaccinated Americans diagnosed with “turbo cancers” is soaring across the country.

Several young individuals, including students, had been diagnosed with different types of cancer after receiving mandated Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.

Some of the patients are currently ill, while others have died.

Spencer Ewen, 24 years old

According to a GoFundMe page for Spencer Ewen, 24, he married his wife Tina on July 22.

While on their honeymoon, they were forced to rush home and go to the ER because of stomach pains.

The pains were thought to be indigestion or a side effect of drinking a bit too much at the wedding festivities.

Less than a week later, the couple received a possible lymphoma diagnosis.

But Tina and Spencer thought Spencer’s symptoms weren’t of lymphoma since only a short time had passed since they went to the hospital.

Eventually, the couple met with an oncologist at Grand River Hospital, who told them that Spencer had a very rare type of cancer called desmoplastic small round cell tumor (DSRCT).

Because this type of cancer is rare, there are not many doctors that know about the sarcoma and the prognosis is hard to determine.

To date, there is no cure for the condition.



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