Tulsi Gabbard Warns ‘Democrat Elites’ Are ‘Destroying’ America – EVOL

Former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) has issued a powerful warning about the mounting threat to the American way of life.

Speaking during the 2024 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Gabbard warned that “the Democrat elites” are “destroying democracy” while claiming to “save” it.

The speech from Gabbard, a former Democrat, comes as rumors swirl that she is in the running for President Donald Trump’s choice of running mate for the 2024 election.

During her CPAC speech, Gabbard noted that Democrats are “driven by their insatiable hunger for power.”

They “are actively undermining all that we stand for,” she added.

“Our democracy is under attack,” Gabbard declared, referring to Americans’ right to choose their leaders while noting that the United States is a republic.

“The perpetrators of this attack are those who, in the name of saving our democracy, are destroying it.

“I don’t use these words lightly.

“Every one of us who loves this country and who cherishes peace and freedom should be very alarmed by those who, driven by their insatiable hunger for power, are actively undermining all that we stand for.

“And almost every single day, if you’re paying attention to the news and the headlines, there is



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