Trump's Mass Deportation Plan Wins Critical Support from Swing Voters – EVOL

Former President Donald Trump’s plan to carry out “the largest domestic deportation operation in American history” is winning critical support from swing voters and the nation’s white working class — both of which are paramount to a victory for him in this year’s presidential election.

A CBS News/YouGov poll this week revealed widespread support for deporting “all” of the 11 million to 22 million illegal aliens currently residing in the United States. A majority of 62 percent of registered voters said they support such a deportation effort.

WATCH — Lindsey Graham: “On Day One, President Trump Will Deport People Here Illegally by the Tens of Thousands”:

Significantly, though, is support for mass deportations among two electoral groups most vital to Trump’s reelection bid: Swing voters and white working-class voters.

Both electoral groups helped catapult Trump to the presidency in 2016 against Democrat Hillary Clinton, helping him win all but two of the Rust Belt states, including Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. To recreate 2016, Trump will need both groups in such states to push him over the line yet again.

With his mass deportation plan, Trump is winning over about 6-in-10 swing voters and potentially some disenfranchised Democrats, almost 4-in-10



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