Trump’s Brief to Supreme Court Pushes Back on Colorado Ballot Disqualification – EVOL

The former president spends much of his brief disputing that the Constitution considered him an ‘officer of the United States.’

Former President Donald Trump told the Supreme Court just days before oral arguments on Feb. 8 that a former Colorado legislator advanced flawed arguments to defend his ballot disqualification under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment.

The case, Trump v. Anderson, is one of the most significant the Supreme Court has heard in its history and arguably the most consequential for a presidential election since its Bush v. Gore decision in 2000. It’s unclear how quickly the justices will rule, but despite a rapidly advancing campaign season, the breadth of constitutional questions they face may preclude a speedy decision.

Former Republican Colorado legislator Norma Anderson has joined other voters in arguing that President Trump’s conduct on Jan. 6, 2021, meant he fell under a post-Civil War provision that prevents certain people from holding office.

Filed on Feb. 5, President Trump’s reply brief started by noting his unprecedented wins in the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary while reiterating the argument that disqualification would betray the nation’s respect for democracy.

“President Donald J. Trump won the Iowa caucuses with the largest margin ever for



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