Trump Considering Elon Musk for White House Advisor Role – EVOL

Alright, everyone, get ready for the latest plot twist in the Trump saga.

President Donald Trump is thinking about bringing Elon Musk on board as an advisor in the White House.

Now, before you start imagining Elon in a suit and tie, this isn’t set in stone yet.

They haven’t hammered out the details, and a formal position might not even happen.

But Trump and Musk have been chatting about how the tech titan could offer some “formal input” on hot-button issues.

Issues like the economy, and obviously crypto currency.

Stay tuned, folks. This could get very interesting.

Donald Trump considers appointing Elon Musk to advise him in White House: report

— New York Post (@nypost) May 29, 2024

New York Post reports:

President Donald Trump is considering appointing Elon Musk to help advise him in the White House after the pair patched up their relationship in recent months.

The 45th president has not ironed out the details and a position might not materialize, the Wall Street Journal reported — but the two have been in talks about how the tech mogul could give “formal input” on issues like the border, the economy and preventing voter fraud.



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