Top Pollster Nate Silver Unveils His Latest Prediction for the Election – EVOL

Nate Silver has unveiled his latest prediction ahead of the presidential election – suggesting that the outcome will practically be a coin flip.

The polling guru gave former President Donald Trump a 51.5 percent chance to win the electoral college, while Vice President Kamala Harris walked away with a 48.1 percent chance of victory.

Silver, who left Five Thirty Eight in 2023 and took his forecasting model with him, made his latest prognostication on his Substack blog called the Silver Bulletin.

He has Trump as the slight favorite, despite Harris being ahead in his aggregation of public polls by just under a percentage point.

‘NYT swing state polls good for Harris but not great. Morning Consult swing state polls good for Trump but not great,’ Silver wrote on X Sunday morning. ‘It’s a pure toss-up.’

Silver was first referring to the final poll done by The New York Times that showed Trump running behind Harris in four critical swing states: Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina and Wisconsin.

That poll also showed Trump with a lead in Arizona, while the two were tied in Michigan and Pennsylvania.

The Morning Consult poll results, as Silver mentioned, were slightly kinder to Trump.




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