Top Immunologist: All Covid-Vaxxed ‘Will Die in 3 to 5 Years’ – EVOL

One of the world’s leading immunologists has warned that every single person who received a Covid mRNA shot will die within five years, even if they only received one injection.

The warning comes from Professor Dolores Cahill, who has a quarter century of experience with the use of antibodies and proteins in biomedical applications.

As a professor of translational science at the University College Dublin School of Medicine’s Conway Institute, she and her research team are known for their groundbreaking work in high throughput array technology and diagnostics, medical and biological research.

Before that, she worked for the renowned Max Planck Institute of Molecular Genetics in Berlin.

Dr. Cahill has had reservations about the vaccines since the beginning, warning that they could have a devastating effect on human health.

While many people were concerned about the potential for unknown side effects in the long term, Dr. Cahill’s concerns are far more dire; she has been warning that they will eventually kill everyone who has received even just a single dose.

However, while the comments are already stomach-churning, Cahill issued this warning in 2021.

Videos of Cahill’s warnings have begun circulating on social media as many believe this prediction is now unfolding three



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