Top Democrat Realizes He’s In For A RUDE Awakening… – EVOL

The most recent polling data on the California Senate race for the former seat of late Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) reveals that Republican Steve Garvey is leading ahead of all Democratic candidates.

The competitive race features numerous prominent Democrats vying for the party’s nomination in the upcoming general election. Despite this, GOP contender and ex-professional baseball player Garvey managed to edge out Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and other left-leaning House members in a recent poll.

Schiff is currently in the lead among the Democratic candidates in the Senate primary, competing against Reps. Katie Porter (D-CA) and Barbara Lee (D-CA). Based on a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies/Los Angeles Times survey released on Friday, Garvey garnered 27% support from likely California voters, surpassing the other candidates.

The poll indicates that Schiff received 25% support, followed by Porter at 19% and Lee at 8%. The survey shows that the Republican candidate has seen a 14-point increase since January. On the other hand, Schiff’s support has risen by four points, Porter’s by two points, and Lee’s has decreased by one point.

The candidates are competing for Feinstein’s former Senate seat. The seat is currently held by Laphonza Butler, a radical



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