Top Attorney Testifies: Hospitals Were ‘Incentivized’ to ‘Murder Covid Patients’ – EVOL

Renowned American attorney Tom Renz has testified before the Ohio Senate with explosive allegations against the medical industry and federal government health officials.

According to Renz, hospitals and doctors were “incentivized” to “murder” their patients to create the illusion that COVID-19 was a significant threat to public health.

During his testimony, Renz revealed that hospitals received more money from the government for every patient that tested positive for Covid.

They received additional funding for treating patients for Covid and even more when the virus was listed as the cause of their death.

Renz notes that this system encouraged hospitals to inflate Covid numbers and even “murder” patients.

“If you go to the hospital and you get a positive Covid test, then the hospital gets more money,” Renz told lawmakers during the hearing.

“If you get put on remdesivir, the hospital gets more money.

“If you get put on a vent, the hospital gets more money.”

“Instead of saying, ‘You get more money when this patient’s healthy,’ we said, ‘You get more money when they die.’”


“We Incentivized MURDERING Patients in Hospitals”

• “If you go to the hospital and you get a positive COVID test, then the



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