These 22 Senate Republicans Just Betrayed Their Own Party – EVOL

The Senate approved a foreign aid bill worth $95 billion on Tuesday, paving its way to the House where its fate remains uncertain.

With a majority of 70-29, the bill received support from 22 Republicans and 48 Democrats. Notably, it allocated $60.1 billion for Ukraine, $14.1 billion for Israel, and $10 billion for humanitarian assistance in war-torn areas, including Gaza, as reported by The New York Times.

According to The Hill, Republican Senator Eric Schmitt of Missouri proclaimed that “It’s lifeless in the House” during the lengthy deliberation. However, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell emphasized the significance of passing the bill.

“I know it’s become quite fashionable in some circles to disregard the global interests we have as a global power, to bemoan the responsibility of global leadership, to lament the commitment that has underpinned the longest drought of great power conflict in human history,” he said.

“This is idle work for idle minds. And it has no place in the United States Senate,” he said

Based on the Senate roll call, McConnell received support for the bill from various Republican Senators including Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, John Thune and Mike Rounds of South Dakota, Bill Cassidy and



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