Texas AG Ken Paxton Acquitted on All 16 Articles of Impeachment

The Texas Senate voted mostly along party lines to acquit Ken Paxton of all articles of impeachment. Two Republicans joined the Democrats to vote against him.

Following eight days of testimony from both sides, 30 state senators voted on Saturday to acquit Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on 16 articles of impeachment.

The state Senate also voted to dismiss the four articles of impeachment that were held in abeyance with a 19–11 vote.

“Today, the truth prevailed. The truth could not be buried by mudslinging politicians or their powerful benefactors. I’ve said many times: Seek the truth! And that is what was accomplished,” Mr. Paxton said in a statement after the acquittal.

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There are 31 state senators in Texas; however, only 30 senators—18 Republicans and 12 Democrats—could vote on the impeachment articles because Sen. Angela Paxton, the wife of Mr. Paxton, is ineligible to vote.

Ms. Paxton was required to attend her husband’s trial but was barred from participating in deliberation and voting, according to the trial rules.

The 30 senators, who began their deliberations just before noon on Friday, returned to the Senate chamber at noon on Saturday to vote on 16 of 20 separate articles of impeachment. Four of the articles—articles 11, 12,



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