Taxpayers to Pay for Jill Biden’s Flights Between France and Delaware for Hunter’s Trial – EVOL

American taxpayers will be paying the vast majority of the bill for First Lady Jill Biden’s extensive flights between France and Delaware to attend the criminal trial of her stepson Hunter.

“Doctor” Biden has been using Air Force One and Air Force Two to fly to Deleware for the court hearings amid her official duties in France.

The frequent traveling back and forth across the Atlantic Ocean on private jets has cost hundreds of thousands of dollars so far.

The Democratic Party announced that is planning to reimburse for the first lady’s extensive transatlantic travel to attend Hunter Biden’s trial.

However, the party is only willing to reimburse for the cost of a first-class ticket, and not the expense of a government jet.

In a statement, the first lady’s office reportedly told the Daily Mail:

“In accordance with relevant regulations utilized across administrations, the government is reimbursed the value of a first-class fare for these flights to Wilmington and back to Paris.”

The Democratic National Committee will provide the funds to partially reimburse for the first lady’s flights, the Daily Mail reported.

Reimbursement rates for travel aboard White House planes are determined by Pentagon cost estimates.

However, the majority of



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