Supreme Court Dooms Jack Smith’s Hopes for Convicting Trump – EVOL

Supreme Court justices have spelled doom for Jack Smith as the special counsel’s 2020 election case against President Donald Trump appears to be crumbling.

Smith is facing yet another obstacle in his goal of convicting Trump before the 2024 presidential election, Politico reported.

The Supreme Court has indicated that justices are siding with Trump in his immunity claim, which would undermine Smith’s case.

The court is mulling whether presidential immunity would apply in Smith’s case against Trump for his role in allegedly trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

The other case Smith has against Trump involving mishandled classified documents is similarly bogged down in legal challenges.

Proceedings Thursday seem to indicate both cases will stall out before the 2024 presidential election.

During oral arguments, several of the conservative-leaning judges seemed to sympathize with Trump.

The court is split 6-3 in favor of conservative justices, including three who were appointed by Trump.

Even if their decision doesn’t help him directly, the delay could be all that Trump needs to thwart Smith’s hopes of taking him out before November’s election.

The common theme among the judges was a concern that prosecuting a president after he’s left office would set



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