STOLEN VALOR: Komrade Kamala's Veep Pick Gets The Kerry Swiftboat Treatment – EVOL

Kamala took her Veep pick, doubling down on her committment to leftism. But even the things that were meant to appeal to everyday Americans aren’t all they’re cracked up to be.

His veteran status, for instance. Less than a day after it was announced, the internet was alive with criticisms of just how ‘heroic’ he really is.

While ‘TamponTim’ was trending because of his tampons-in-boy’s-bathrooms policy, and the internet was awash with examples of how Walz was every bit the leftist that Kamala and The Squad are, people familiar with Walz’s military record had something to share:

Tim Walz was a battalion Command Sergeant Major (“CSM”) in a Minnesota National Guard battalion when his unit got the order to deploy to Iraq. Upon receiving such order, he abruptly retired and abandoned his unit, his soldiers and his country. For those who don’t know, in an Army battalion, the CSM is the highest-ranking NCO and the top dog who sets the example for all the soldiers in the unit. The example Walz set was one of cowardice in the face of the enemy. In an era where pretty much everyone in uniform served in combat, Walz ran and hid. Contrast this



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