‘Sopranos’ Actress: Hollywood Stars ‘Want to Fight’ Biden but ‘Are Petrified’ of Speaking against Democrats – EVOL

Actress Drea de Matteo has revealed that there are many Hollywood stars that “want to fight” against President Joe Biden but they “are petrified” of the repercussions from the Left if they speak against Democrats in power.

The Emmy Award-winning actress and star of “The Sopranos” told Donald Trump Jr. about her personal experience in the entertainment industry during a new interview.

De Matteo revealed that a growing number of people in Hollywood view Biden and the Democrats as “divisive” but they’re too “afraid” to go against the leftists in control.

The actress, who portrayed Adriana La Cerva on “The Sopranos,” says people fear their careers will be over if they call out the Biden administration for implementing a social agenda.

“I really did want to fight, but I didn’t think I had, A, the voice, B, the balls,” de Matteo said during an appearance on “Triggered with Donald Trump Jr.”

“I kind of got thrown to the wolves,” the actress continued.

“And once I was out there, I was like, ‘I’m out here, what am I going to do? I’m out of my cage.’

“Like, I may as well, you know, do what I got to do.”




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