A devastating crisis is emerging in Singapore as deaths continue to skyrocket among the nation’s Covid-vaccinated population.
Shocking new data has also revealed birth rates are plunging in Singapore, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, as death surge.
The news comes after Singaporean government officials have tried to downplay the issue.
However, the new data directly contradicts the government’s gaslighting narratives.
Like many other highly-vaccinate nations, excess deaths soared among those who received Covid mRNA shots.
However, birth rates are also plummeting, causing a potentially catastrophic population crisis.
In 2021, the first year the mRNA injections were rolled out for public use, Singapore’s natural population increase (births minus deaths) fell by 13%.
By 2022, this figure plunged even further to a staggering 39.4%.
This decline is unprecedented.
Officials have attempted to blame COVID-19 for the spike in excess deaths.
However, deaths only surged after the Covid mRNA shots were rolled out.
Excess deaths also continued to skyrocket through 2023, long after the pandemic was over.
Official data also shows that the total COVID-19 deaths during this time were relatively low.
In mid-2022, Singapore ranked number one globally for excess deaths.
Alarmingly, Singapore was suddenly removed