SHOCKING REVELATION: James Biden Associate Caught in $51M Medicare Fraud – EVOL

A former business associate of James Biden has agreed to plead guilty to conspiring to defraud Medicare of $51 million through a lab-testing company connected to the President’s brother.

Last week, court filings from the Justice Department revealed that Keaton Langston, 39, confessed to utilizing pharmacies, durable medical equipment companies, and a laboratory where he had a financial stake to charge for unnecessary tests and orders.

James Biden, aged 75, has not been accused of any criminal wrongdoing and has aimed to separate himself from Langston. Joey Langston, the father of Langston, was also connected to the first brother.

In May 2017, Keaton Langston established Fountain Health, a laboratory company that offered services to Americore Health, a rural hospital operator, which eventually filed for bankruptcy.

Records show James Biden was involved with Fountain Health in 2017 before connecting with Americore, which provided him with $600,000 in loans in 2018 as he allegedly vowed to use his political connections to secure foreign investors.

James allegedly passed $200,000 of the funds to Joe Biden as repayment for a loan.

According to Politico’s report in February, shortly after the lab firm was established, Joey Langston emailed James Biden, his son Keaton, and



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