Secret Service Reported Obama’s Personal Chef ‘Missing,’ Body Found Using Sonar

Judicial Watch has obtained 18 pages of documents from the Edgarton, MA, Police Department under the Massachusetts Public Records Law that indicate the Secret Service had reported the disappearance of Tafari Campbell, who served as President Obama’s personal chef, before his body was later located near Martha’s Vineyard with the help of sonar technology.

The records reveal that the clothing was found apart from the body, and a life vest was not in use. Several other key details about the drowning incident, which occurred on July 23, 2023, in Martha’s Vineyard, were redacted.

The documents made public also contain a computer-aided dispatch (CAD) incident report dated July 23:

Secret Service Agent [redacted] adv swimmers unable to locate the party at this time. Party last scene [sic] wearing all black, on a paddle board, African American male.

Rev’vd a 911 call from the above noted RP [reporting person] who identified as a Secret Service member. RP is req [requesting] at least an ambulance response, unsure of the exact services needed.

RP advd best access is from the residence, they are deploying a rescue swimmer and a zodiac boat right now.

RP adv no lifevest was worn, they have recovered the paddle


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