Secret Docs: Canada Worked with China to Create Covid as 'Bioweapon' – EVOL

Leaked secret documents have exposed a “clandestine relationship” between Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government and the Chinese Community Party to develop COVID-19 as a “bioweapon” to unleash on humanity.

The docs reveal the agenda by Trudeau, a World Economic Forum (WEF) “Young Global Leader,” to trigger a pandemic to roll out major new restrictions on public freedom.

Trudeau ultimately sought to usher in WEF leader Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” agenda which uses Communist China as a societal model.

The newly leaked documents, authored by Canada’s top intelligence service, reveal the long-awaited explanation behind the abrupt departure of two virologists from Canada’s top biolaboratory.

The documents have been published by The Counter Signal to expose the Trudeau government for hiding the true reason for the departure of Dr. Xiangguo Qiu from Canada’s Public Health agency.

Despite the Liberals citing the departure as a private “personnel issue,” the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) accuses Dr. Qiu of a long history of clandestine actions that put Canadians’ heath and security at risk, along with directly assisting military research in China.

Alongside selling deadly pathogens to Chinese authorities at the Wuhan Institute of Virology for just $75, Qui was also found



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