SCOTUS Justice Alito Raises Alarm about Religious Discrimination after Jurors Dismissed over Christian Beliefs – EVOL

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has warned that religious discrimination against Americans with Christian beliefs is apparently becoming increasingly acceptable in society.

In 2015, when the SCOTUS ruled in favor of same-sex marriage, there were warnings issued at the time that the decision could perversely lead to state-sanctioned discrimination against individuals with sincere religious beliefs in opposition to homosexuality.

Those warnings appeared to be prescient, as Justice Samuel Alito pointed out in a statement Tuesday.

Alito highlighted a case involving two prospective jury members who were dismissed from the pool due to their Christian beliefs from a legal dispute involving a lesbian plaintiff, the Washington Examiner reported.

The high court did not take up a challenge involving the two Christian jurors dismissed from service.

However, Alito nonetheless used the opportunity to reiterate his concerns about the real-world repercussions of the court’s prior decision nine years earlier.

The case in question is Missouri Department of Corrections v. Finney, which sprung from a lawsuit involving plaintiff Jean Finney, a lesbian, who alleged that her former employer, the Missouri Department of Corrections, had wrongfully discriminated against her based on her sexual orientation.

During the jury selection process in district court for



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