Schwarzenegger Told Americans ‘Screw Your Freedom,’ Now He Thinks He’s Still Got a ‘Home’ in the GOP

Strangely, Hollywood tough guy actor and former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger seems to think that he still has a home in the Republican Party despite saying “screw your freedom” to Americans during the COVID-19 hysteria.

Schwarzenegger, of course, famously ran for the governorship in 2003 as a Republican and won the office on the tail of the recall and ouster of Democrat Gray Davis. But he did not exactly govern like a Republican and since he left office in 2011, his statements have been anything but center-right.

But now, in a new interview with the New York Times, “The Terminator” star says he still thinks the GOP would welcome him with open arms.

In the interview, Schwarzenegger blasted the left and the right equally for “dumping” on each other and then insisted, “To me it’s funny, because I’m somewhere in the middle.”

Yet, every issue he brought up during this interview placed him squarely among the left-wingers he finds so amusing.

He supports radical climate change, he is pro-abortion, for all the pandering to the gender and racial groups the left loves, and he has also been pro-vaccine and pro-mask-wearing. Indeed, he even compared the Trump administration to Adolf Hitler’s



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