Ron DeSantis ‘Kicked’ Tucker Carlson’s Dog Under Dinner Table According To New Book

A new book about Fox News put Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in a tight spot. According to “The Fall: The End of Fox News and the Murdoch Dynasty,” DeSantis ‘kicked’ Tucker’s dog during a dinner in Florida.

DeSantis was Rupert Murdoch’s pick to be the GOP presidential candidate in 2024 and he wanted his top anchors to get on board. But Tucker wanted to get to know Ron first and more importantly, he wanted his wife, whose opinion he valued above all others, to do the same. So Tucker Carlson and his wife Susan invited Ron DeSantis and his wife Casey to dinner.

But during dinner, Ron kicked Tucker’s dog under the table causing a horrified Susie and Tucker to turn their backs on DeSantis. From the book:

“There had been quiet urgings at Fox for Carlson to be open-minded about Murdoch’s favored candidate.

“By early spring 2023, this had culminated in the DeSantises coming to lunch at the Carlsons’ home in Boca Grande, an exclusive community on Florida’s Gasparilla Island. And certainly, for DeSantis, this was a significant moment — an opportunity to reach out, to break bread, to make nice, to suck up to a



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