Rock Bottom: CNN Tallies Its Lowest Key Demo Ratings Ever Recorded

In the media world, it is typical to have high periods and low periods, but it is really hard to state just how massive CNN’s fall from grace has been in recent years.

Obviously, a large part of the American public has never had much love for CNN due to its liberal bias, but as the network has ratcheted up the leftist propaganda in recent years, more and more Americans are tuning out.

Now, it seems as if CNN has hit rock bottom.

On Tuesday, the New York Post reported that CNN had just recorded the lowest weekend ratings in a key demographic in its entire history, a real sign of just how far the network has fallen.

The report said the network only saw 55,000 viewers from the important 25- to 54-year-old demographic over the weekend, with only 43,000 tuning in for its Sunday prime-time shows.

This makes it the worst weekend in CNN’s history since viewership records were first logged in 1991.

Meanwhile, its total viewership stood at only 345,000 trailing Fox News with 683,000 viewers, and even the farther-left MSNBC, which logged 424,000 viewers over the weekend.

The message is clear: Hardly anyone is interested in watching


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