Robert DeNiro Gets Cold Reception Online and in Person from MAGA Amid Failed NYC Presser to Trash Donald Trump Ahead of Verdict – EVOL

Actor Robert DeNiro, who has a history of disliking and saying vile things about former and possible future President Donald Trump staged a New York presser today.

DeNiro wanted to support Joe Biden’s re-election and trash Donald Trump and felt he would be at home with people of like mind surrounding him. Things did not go according to his plan.

X posts going viral left and right documented what happened:

“ Robert DeNiro’s press conference in New York City on Tuesday morning fell apart after a man raised a problem with Biden’s campaign surrogates. “These low lives for Trump…” DeNiro said. “They lied under oath,” the man said. “They lied under oath. Who lied under oath? What are you telling me?” “Those two traitors behind you…” The man appeared to be referring to former Washington D.C. police officer Michael Fanone and former Capitol police officer Harry Dunn. “They lied under oath.” “That’s right.” “What are you saying?” “They’re traitors.” “They’re traitors? I don’t even know how to deal with you, my friend. I don’t even know how to deal with you.” Embarrassing.”

DeNiro’s Anti-Trump Presser *BACKFIRES* When Man Tells Him Biden Surrogates ‘Lied Under Oath’




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