RNC Chair Confirms Continued Focus on Early Voting, Using ‘All Existing Tools’ to Deliver Trump Win – EVOL

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley says the party will continue its focus on early voting as it reaches for a wide array of tools to help President Trump win in 2024.

Michael Whatley, the new chairman of the Republican National Committee (RNC), said that the party will use all available tools to help former President Donald Trump win the race for the White House, including continuing the “Bank Your Vote” campaign that educates Republican voters on locking their votes in early through mail-in ballots.

Mr. Whatley recently took over as head of the RNC from now-former chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, who was a strong advocate of the “Bank Your Vote” campaign. The initiative focused on maximizing pre-Election Day voting through in-person early voting, absentee voting, and ballot harvesting where legal.“To beat Joe Biden and the Democrats in 2024, we must ensure that Republicans bank as many pre-Election Day votes as possible,” Ms. McDaniel said in June 2023, when the early voting campaign was launched. “Banking votes early needs to be the focus of every single Republican campaign in the country, and the Republican National Committee will lead the charge.”The move drew allegations of hypocrisy from critics, who pointed out that Republicans, and



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