Republicans Raise Alarm over 'Unholy Alliance' Between Leaders Schumer and McConnell – EVOL

Republicans have begun raising the alarm over the “unholy alliance” that has formed between Senate leaders Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Chuck Schumer (D-NY).

A substantial portion of the GOP voter base has long accused Senate Republican Leader McConnell of ignoring their desires.

McConnell has, instead, been focusing on the wants of the Washington D.C. political establishment, otherwise known as the Uniparty, of which he is a member in good standing.

Those accusations have seemingly been confirmed in recent weeks and months as McConnell all but abandoned his own party to align himself closely with Senate Democrat Leader Schumer (D-NY).

The two have formed a close bond in order to secure the Uniparty agenda of providing more U.S. taxpayer-funded aid to continue fueling the endless war in Ukraine, Politico reported.

McConnell also took a hit for his role in crafting and supporting a deceptively framed “border security” deal that was weak on actual security and instead would have, in large part, legislatively locked in aspects of President Joe Biden’s lax policies on illegal immigration.

The Politico report about “How McConnell and Schumer became Ukraine-aid allies” documented how the two Senate leaders essentially became “partners” in the effort to push for



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